In October we wrapped up a 2-year engagement with the Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts. FORE was our first funder major in drug checking, and the first randomized messaging trial on drug alerts. We are supremely grateful for them taking a risk on us... drug checking was barely happening in the US when we started. They have been a very easy funder to work with, and we recommend them.
Some of the key deliverables were:
- Drug Checking results site
- This blog
- Live Reports are data displays that answer specific questions of our drug checking data
- is an open source resource for hand-drawn images related to pain management, harm reduction, and drugs
- Drug Alert Templates for Public Health and Public Safety includes a style guide and have resources in PowerPoint, Illustrator, and InDesign
- Slides from our presentations at the FORE grantee meeting
In the hope that y'all get to work with FORE, we are posting the text of our original proposal. Feel free to reuse, be inspired, take creative license with the material.
In looking back, we were able to accomplish way more than we expected. We appreciate the entire FORE team!! And the grantee meetings are a blast.