September 2024 Newsletter

September 2024 Newsletter

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Illyana Massey
Aug 12, 2024 • 9 min read
Welcome to the first-ever UNC Street Drug Analysis Lab's Newsletter! We're excited to bring you the latest from our team, including must-read articles, insightful blog posts, cutting-edge research, behind-the-scenes updates from the lab, and more! Whether you're here to learn about drug checking or catch up on what we're up to, we’ve got something for everyone. And if you can’t wait till next month, our blog site will get regular updates. Check out our vision for communicating. Dive in, stay informed, and let’s keep building safer, smarter communities together!

〽️ Service Stats

👀 Watch List

Here are the trends in the drug supply we are keeping an eye on this month.

BTMPS - industrial chemical added to plastics
Acetamiprid - insecticide
Xylazine & (dex)medetomidine - sedatives mixed with fentanyl
Carfentanil - potent opioid reemerges but in a new way
2-fluoro-2-oxo-PCE + fentanyl - international club drug mixed with fentanyl
Shift to smoking - broad trend with implications for overdose prevention

👋 Meet our Team Members

Each month will feature different team members 😊

Erin Tracy

Our lead chemist who joined the team in 2022 with 10 years of drug analysis expertise.

Jalice Manso

Our recent addition to the team, with more than 15 years of infrared and mass spectrometry experience as a research chemist.

📣 Team Voices

Check out monthly blog posts from members of our team!

The Solution is Painfully Obvious; Getting there? Not so much…
The work many of us have committed our lives to can often cut deep in myriad ways, especially for those of us whose relationship to substances has created trauma and difficulties in our lives. I’ve realized for me that the part that’s the hardest to deal with, the
Our Goal: Empowering Communities
Street drug checking is a crucial harm reduction tool, offering individuals and communities the knowledge they need to navigate the ever changing drug landscape. With the rise in drug contamination and unpredictable potency, the ability to verify the contents of substances is not just beneficial—it’s lifesaving. Street drug
Lights, Camera...Action Decision Log
Keeping up with action items and final decisions throughout the lifecycle of a project can be HARD! Sometimes, it involves searching through pages and pages of meeting notes and emails. An action & decision log can help keep this information in one place. While the template can vary, I tend to
Stigma and Language Change: The Problem with Low Hanging Fruit
Stop me if you’ve seen this before. You’re browsing the web for the latest harm reduction best practices and come across an infographic from a federal agency or county health department. The title is something like “Using Person-First Language” or “How Your Vocabulary Can Make A Difference.” There’

🥼 Lab Visits

To find out who these cool individuals are and find out about the work they do-CLICK the link below!

Site Visits - Opioid Data Lab
We love it when y’all come visit us on campus!

🤖 New Equipment

Our new GCMS!

Thanks to the NC Collaboratory, using opioid settlement funds from the NC General Assembly we purchased our new Agilent GCMS 8890/5977C.

Our new FTIR!

Thanks to the US Food and Drug Administration to help us support a research study on community-based naloxone administration. The FTIR is a Thermo Nicolet iS20.

👩🏼‍🔬 Lab Tech Summit

This summer, 12 labs supporting community drug checking gathered on the UNC campus in Chapel Hill. Bet ya didn't know there were 12 labs doing this work! See what we discussed, and what makes us mad, sad, and glad.

Lab Technician Summit 2024
Historic first meeting of a dozen labs involved in supporting drug checking across North America.

🎙️ Podcasts

Just Increasing Access to Drug-Checking Services – Forensic Technology Center of Excellence
Episode 87: Drug Testing Equals Empowerment with Dr. Nabarun Dasgupta and Charlton Roverson — Narcotica
Narcotica is a podcast giving you the straight dope about drugs and the people who use them.

You can find more podcast under the Tags section of our website.

📖 Reading Room

A place for things that taught us something new. With a focus on the Tar Heel State.

🛣️ Maryalice Retires

After more than 2 decades at UNC, our beloved project manager retired earlier this year. She helped create our drug checking service, and is the brilliance behind the kits and mailing paradigm. Maryalice also kept our complex research agenda moving and is an all around mensch. We miss you!

Illustration of Maryalice's career by Brittain Peck

🤮 Corporate Ick Award

Every day we keenly feel the corporate and commercial determinants of health. WHO defines this as "private sector activities that affect people’s health, directly or indirectly, positively or negatively." Read more in AJPH [ironically, behind paywall].

Better yet, check out the videos in DPA's Plunder, Profit, and Punishment: A Syllabus on Drug War Profiteering.

From test strips, to plastic scoops, to vials, to instruments, to computers and printers, to data servers, and package delivery and beyond, we are dependent on the products and services of more than a hundred corporations to operate. Yet, there are a few who's behavior is so outrageous, they deserve to be called out. So, we are taking nominations for a monthly Corporate Ick Award.

In this monthly section we highlight Drug War profiteers, those who put profits over people, and those who ignore science for sales. Newsletter subscribers and organizations that use our service can send nominations for next month's Corporate Ick Award! Please provide examples and get specific.

🛍️ Department of (un)Safe Supply

We get insights into drug markets by looking at trends in consumer goods. Especially food and booze. We'll highlight examples that have analogies to the drug supply in this spot monthly.

Regulated products have intentional and unintentional problems: Why would we expect different from unregulated street drugs?

Our example this month comes from your grocery store: Avocado oil

The researchers found that at least 21 of the products labeled as avocado oil — nearly two-thirds of the 36 bottles they tested— were adulterated, in some cases with other oils that could pose a hazard to people with food sensitivities. The newly released findings are based on tests conducted in 2021 on bottles of store-brand avocado oil purchased from 19 large grocery stores in the United States and Canada.

From MSN/WaPo based on scientific article

Sounds familiar, right? If we can’t get pure avocado oil, let’s not be surprised when dope gets cut, stepped on, bulked up, mislabeled, colorized, hyped, etc.


We were saddened to hear of the passing of Chip Ezzard, who we knew through our work with WNCAP in Asheville. Chip was often the first person that people saw at the window when they came for help. He was an early adopter to our drug checking program, bringing his paramedic training to connect lab results to people’s lives. Chip’s insightful questions and requests helped make our program better. His calm, compassionate demeanor brought a moment of peace to the people he served, and those he worked with. May he now rest in his own peace.

🏆 Box of the Month

Sometimes our amazing partners write us a warm message, doodle or draw a picture on the return boxes we send out. This is in no way a requirement (♻️ we reuse the boxes), but we love receiving the random surprises!

Each month, we will showcase boxes we love.

🫶🏽 Funders

We are grateful to our generous funders! Y’all make our work possible. 🎤Studies and writings at the Opioid Data Lab and UNC Street Drug Analysis Lab are conducted by independent scientists and do not necessarily represent the views of funders or partners. We do not accept any funding from the
